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Your Data

1. Object of this data protection explanation

Here you will learn how we treat personal data which become known to us if you use the web page and the services of Waterworld Aquaris. The use of data by enterprises independent of the web page operator or people who are neither employees nor representatives of the web page operator is not grasped by this explanation. In the following called examples are intended only illustrating and should not be looked as a comprehensive list of all conceivable scenarios and approaches. 

Expressly we would like to state that we do not sell personal data of our customers and also not market this data otherwise. 

This information about the data protection is not valid for foreign websites on the Internet which you can visit by hyperlinks on the websites of Waterworld Aquaris.

2. Collection and use of data

Your private sphere is important to us, therefore, the data upraised by you are transmitted to no external people or service providers who do not stand in connection with the proper fulfilment of your orders / inquiries. The protection of your data is our uppermost priority. That's why we do without other external evaluation programmes about your visit behaviour as Google Analytics etc. 
Your data are used exclusively by Waterworld Aquaris namely:

  • to the proper fulfilment of your current and future inquiries and orders with Waterworld Aquaris
  • for publicity campaigns by Waterworld Aquaris with which we draw the attention of you to our current special offers, product novelties etc. which are standing in connection with our assortment.

You can contradict the sending of advertising material by Waterworld Aquaris at any time. 
The collection of statistical characteristics is also not as important to us, as the protection of your data. That's why we do not use Google Analytics or similar external evaluation programmes, which informs about your visit behaviour.
We collect only data which you enter voluntarily on our web page. We also store your IP address and the time of your visit to be able to find persons, who make abusive use of personal data (e.g.: Orders on foreign names without their approval).

3. Data transmission to third parts

If Waterworld Aquaris transmits dates to external service providers (parcel service, postal service, collection enterprises .), technical and organizational measures are taken which guarantee that the interchange of information will be in harmony with the legal regulations of the data protection. 
Waterworld Aquaris will not transmit your personal data to third parts, except in the following cases. Waterworld Aquaris transmits your personal data only to third parts, if:

  • You have agreed to the transmission
  • The interchange of information is neccessary for the realisation of the offers or service you ordered
  • An subcontractor or fulfilment assistant whom we use for fulfilling the offers, orders or services needs this dates (as far as we do not inform you about something else, such auxiliary people are only entitled for the use of the data, if this is necessary for the fulfilment of the order, offer or service)
  • An executable official or judicial arrangement is given
  • To prevent in legally allowed manner an abusive use of our offers or service, in particular a use under offence against the general terms of business or the special terms of utilisation from Waterworld Aquaris

4. Data processing or deletion of dates on your user's account

You have the right to correct, complete or extinguish the information and settings stored on your user's account at any time. As far as you agree to a certain use of your dates, this explanation is revocable any time. You have the free choice wheather you want to be informed furthermore about special offers and new products. Under certain circumstances Waterworld Aquaris can refuse the access to the dates accumulated about you, so e.g. if confidential business information is coconcerned or the rights of another person would be injured if you received access.

5. Security

Waterworld Aquaris will keep your dates secure and will take all precautions to protect your dates against loss, abuse or changement. The contracting partners of Waterworld Aquaris, who have access to your dates to provide you with services in the name of Waterworld Aquaris, are obliged to keep this information secret, and are not allowed to use this information misappropriated. The dates on your user's account are protected by a password, which was selected from you. It is on you to keep this password secret and protect it from foreign access to prevent abuse.

6. Cookies

To offer you highest possible comfort we use cookies on our website. "Cookies" are small informations which are stored from your browser temporarily on the hard disk of your computer. The information contained in the Cookies serves the session control, improves the navigation and allows a high degree of user friendliness of a website. The Cookies used by us store no personal information. They assign the user to his session and offers him his personal dates entered before in previous sessions. So you have access to previous entered dates, therefore a recent input is not necessary. Most web browsers accept cookies automatically. You can avoid this by changing the settings of your browser. You can remove Cookies, stored at your PC, at any time by extinguishing the temporary internet files. The web page from Waterworld Aquaris works also without cookies but with less comfort for the user.

7. Questions, complaints and suggestions

At any time you can receive information about the dates from you stored by us. However, we kindly ask for understanding that in this case a legitimacy is necessary by transfering an identity card copy of the asking person (data protection!). In addition you direct inquiries please to

Mag. Karl-Heinz Rieder
Starkenweg 445
6073 Sistrans
A-6020 Innsbruck 
Fax: 0043.5578.74028

8. Changes of this data protection explanation

Waterworld Aquaris reserves the right to change this data protection explanation in future. Should Waterworld Aquaris use your personal information in other manner, than at the time of the capture in the data protection explanation given, we will try to inform you via email under use to the last to known information by us. Should you have given us no approval to the establishment of contact with you, you will not be informed and we will not use your personal information in a new manner. However, in any case, passing news will be made available by an emphasised announcement on the website.